Farewell 2020!

Farewell 2020!

2020 was a remarkable year. For some people 2020 was a great year and for some it was a year they wished never happened. Yes, many people lost love ones. However, many gained new ones. Some people have lost jobs that they thought were secured. Many entrepreneurs were born in 2020. I for one can say that I was one of the entrepreneurs that took that leap of faith in 2020. If you’re reading this, no matter what has happened in 2020 you and I are blessed to make it to another year. A year that millions did not get to see the end of. Yet God saw fit to bring us out of 2020. The year 2020 was not all great for me. But I can say with confidence that I was glad to see this year. This new decade has brought in a lot of changes that just didn’t make sense. I would like to petition you, my readers, that no matter what happens in 2021 you will not loose focus on your goals, plans or  aspirations. Can you do that? Lets make 2021 a year to remember for its greatness. You are Blessed!

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